Thursday, 3 November 2011

photomontge examples

Dora Maar.1934. I liked this montage because its an early example that shows how elegant the compositions could be, arranging totally contrasting elements into one image that somehow seems to be harmonious. Its unusual too, a kind of evolving unwordly creature.

 Martha Rosler. 'Bringing the war home; Home beautiful'. This artist is well known for her images that push the boundaries between political, social and private lines. Often critcal of war, consumerism and materialism. This one was made from the collation of magazine images, making a statement as the images and stories of hardship and violence were alongside the adverts for glamour and luxuries. I like the composite as it creates a scene of clashing emotion with the heat and movement drawing in around the clean home and stereotypical self oriented model figure.
Soviet propaganda photomontage. I was drawn to this image as it is direct in its purpose, and really reflects an important period of history. Commenting on the changing political systems, war and the Soviet lifestyle. The designers were talented to have produced such a strong image without the technological advancements or mass imagery we have today. Although it is particularly based on such a strong topic, I thought it was a good example of how a photomontage is used for social commentary.

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